Volleyball – Back to School League

Back to School Volleyball League

Monday and Tuesdays 5-7 pm at Hooptown
Ages 11u and up.
Click Here to register

Sign up until August 15 for $250.00 ($25.00 discount for MidTn VBC Members)

The league begins Monday August 21 and ends on Tuesday October 3rd.

Mondays will focus on skill training. Tuesdays (for first three weeks) will focus on court training with the last three weeks committed to playing.
You may join as a team or as an individual and be placed on a team of similar skill.
Click Here to register

2017 Summer Volleyball Training League

 2017 Summer Volleyball Training League for girls and boys grades 1st-6th.

  • League runs on Wednesdays and/or Thursdays in August.
  • $75 per player for one night or $140 for both nights. Players can choose the night that fits their schedule or can signup for both nights.
  • Players will practice one weeknight ( Wednesday or Thursday) and play in matches that same night. Practice / scrimmage will be from 5 – 6:30pm.
  • Practice T-shirt is included
  • All players will be coached by Mid Tn Elite coaches or qualified & trained coaches. All coaches will be background checked prior to working with the athletes.

Register here 2017 Summer Youth Volleyball Training League


3 on 3 girls league March-April

The Tn Team Pride girls 3 v 3 league is designed to teach the game by keeping all the players actively involved during practices drills and game play. The practices and games will occur on the same day. Points will be awarded for players that implement the emphasized basketball movements in addition to field goals made. Practices will stress ball handling, defense, passing, spacing, cutting, screening and shooting. Additionally the coaches will help develop good sportsmanship, coachable players, great teammates, solid work ethic and love of the game.
Each player will receive a jersey. Games are played on 9 ft rims with 28.5″ ball. (8ft for k-1st)
Practices and games will on Mondays in March (13,20,27) and April (3 & 10). League divisions are Kindergarten -2nd and 3rd -4th.
    2nd graders with basketball experience should play with the 3rd and 4th grade league and 2nd graders without experience should play with the K-1st graders.

K – 2nd grades Sign up Here
3rd and 4th grades Sign up Here

Please email questions to TennesseeTeamPride.com for more information.

Fall league INFO – 2016 boys and girls 3rd-8th grade

Click Here for 2016 fall league – week 3 Saturday Sept 24, 2016fall league
Click Here for Sunday Sept 25 (week 4) schedule fall league Sunday Sept 25, 2016

Boys and girls in grades 3rd-8th in the Fall of 2016 are eligible to play.

Please register here for a team or individual player

Fall league is designed to help players get some experience before the Middle school, Elementary school or Rec season begins. This year Hooptown has four separate leagues:
2016 Varsity (grades 6th-8th)*

2016 J.V. Fall League (grades 3rd-5th)
Each team will play 2 games per day.
Game times will be played on Saturday Sept 10, 17, 24 and Sept 25, 26 or 27th.

*TMSAA does not regulate amount of players from one school playing together in the Fall. More than 3 players from a middle school CAN play together.

2 ways to register.
Teams can sign up and play together.
Individuals can sign up as a free agent and will be assigned a team.

Evaluation / practice for all Free Agent players (boys and girls)  is Tuesday August 30, 2016 from 6-7 pm. The evaluation practice will be conducted by our lead basketball trainer, Heath Hardin. He will conduct fundamental practices for approximately 1 hour.

We also need a couple of volunteer coaches to assist with the Free Agent teams. 

Please register here for a team or individual player

Crystal Dangerfield

Volleyball League

VolleyballMidTn Volleyball Club and Hooptown will be hosting  a Winter Volleyball League.

3rd-8th graders (boys & girls).
Levels offered are beginner & intermediate divisions
Dates: Jan – March- 7 weeks
price: $200.00

League will include:  and 7 weeks of 1 practice & play day each week on Monday & Wednesday. You can enter a team of 8-9 girls or boys or you can sign up and be placed on a team with 8-9 players.

We will also offer one hour clinics on some weekends during the League.
Skill Clinics- $20 each session (1 hour sessions)

Contact:  RCJRS@comcast.net  for more information

Click here  to register